The Kimberley, Western Australia
In May 2022, I embarked on an adventurous aerial photography expedition over the Kimberley region of north-west Australia. Utilising R44 Helicopters and Cessna 210 light aircraft, I logged a total of 16 hours across 8 flights to capture the region's breathtaking beauty. The result was over 8,000 unique and captivating photos, each telling its own story.
North-West Australian coastline is renowned for its massive continental shelf, extending hundreds of kilometers towards Indonesia. This geographical feature contributes to some of the world's largest tides, particularly notable during king tides, which occur twice a year with tidal ranges exceeding 10 meters. These dramatic tides transform the landscape daily, revealing horizontal waterfalls, expansive mudflats, intertidal reefs, and rock shelves that appear and disappear within hours.
From a bird's-eye view, these ever-changing textures and patterns are spectacularly showcased, forming the focal point of this photography series. All images from this catalogue are available for purchase as framed and acrylic prints, capturing the dynamic essence of the Kimberley's tidal landscapes.